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[机翻] 一种健壮的无线mesh企业网络安全方案
摘要 : In this paper, we address the security challenges for wireless mesh enterprise networks (WMENs). The topology and communication characteristics of WMEN include the following: (a) deployment of the network devices are not planar, r... 展开

[机翻] 一种健壮的无线mesh企业网安全方案
摘要 : In this paper, we address the security challenges for wireless mesh enterprise networks (WMENs). The topology and communication characteristics of WMEN include the following: (a) deployment of the network devices are not planar, r... 展开

[机翻] 利用高交互客户端蜜罐高效检测恶意网页
摘要 : Drive-by-download attacks are client-side attacks that originate from web servers clients visit. High-interaction client honeypots identify malicious web pages by directly visiting the web pages and are very useful. However, they ... 展开
